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Every CEOs need executive coaches. Sometimes not one, but several What about the tech professionals who rise up in the tech hierachy. But these coaches are expensive. The coach helps the CEO It's not unlikely for some CEOs to have more than one career coach. Not only CEOs. it's good if everyone of tech professionals have career coaches. But these coaches are expensive How would you get one. Same for tech

Updated less than a minute ago

How can you as a DevOps engineer benefit from a career coach? 1) Discover your weaknesses and create development plans 2) Develop clear career goals 3) Provide emotional support when things get out of control

Updated less than a minute ago

Goal setting is planning to move a different place A big part of goal setting is knowing where you are right now. How can you get to another place before knowing where you are

Updated 1 day ago

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Updated 1 day ago

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Updated 4 days ago

Sometime back knowledge was the power. It no longer is because knowledge is abudant today. But still, knowledge is power. What is the most powerful knowledge

Updated 4 days ago

Kubernetes has a lot of other open-source tools It's good. But it does not mean that you should use them all.

Updated 5 days ago

A conflict can arise from atiny pronlems and grow into a large fire. Be vigiglant Once it becomes big it's difficult to subdue. So, avoid adding bits on to grow

Updated 8 days ago

Being from a DevOps engineer to a senior DevOps engineer is not just more knowledge. There is a difference in thinking patterns too.

Updated 8 days ago

As a DevOps engineer you need to offer alternatives to others solutions

Updated 9 days ago

Goals and how to measure. How to measure your goals.

Updated 11 days ago

Personality matters. No matter how talented you are, develop your personality.

Updated 11 days ago

How to develop caliber. be curios. Curiosity can develop your caliber as a DevOps engineer.

Updated 11 days ago

Basics are harder to master than advanced concepts. If you managed to get the job done but do not know the basics, you'll find it hard to master advanced concepts.

Updated 15 days ago

Basics are harder to learn than advanced concepts.

Updated 15 days ago

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Updated 15 days ago

Docker vs Docker engine

Updated 19 days ago

Email tip: No one can avoid emails. You have to write emails to get things done. When writing try to avoid the times you use "not" ex - I do not think I do think The negative form is harder to comprehend.

Updated 20 days ago

Look where you are going. Don't look at the obstacles. This is a well-accepted instruction in driving. This is applicable to your career also. How?

Updated 20 days ago

Career strategy. When you are in tech you are well paid. It's exciting when you are stil young. But may not be so as you grow older. ave a career strategy. Even if you are constantly hitting goals do not roam around with no strategy.

Updated 21 days ago

A shift in your viewpoint can lead to discovering of many new solutions to old problmes. But shifting is also hard

Updated 21 days ago

Even though you are continuousely winning, if you don't have a strategy for life you will fail. So, create a strategy for your career.

Updated 21 days ago

Job title you put in the resume matters. It decides whehter you are shortlisted or not. Then the reference letter arrives it will bear your actual job title. If they are different theres a chane your offer will be revoked if you cannot give a sufficient explanation on why you changed it.

Updated 23 days ago

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Updated 23 days ago

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Updated 23 days ago

Knowledge still matters. But knowlesge alone is not enough. You need the skills. But you cannot develop skills without the roots of the knowledge

Updated 23 days ago

If your job title is just sysadmin, but you are doing real DevOps, don't hesitate to ask for the title DevOps engineer. Be the person to initiate the change across your team. The job title matters when you are out in the job market.

Updated 23 days ago

Every setback is an opportunity to write a new story. If you work hard you will have a story to share in futuer. No setbcak. no story. No satisfaction.

Updated 23 days ago

For many organizations, job titles only serve the purpose of matching the pay to the person. elevate thinking pattern people do not speak up when they loose confidence in managers

Updated 24 days ago