About cloudqubes

cloudqubes is a collection of tutorials on DevOps.

Each tutorial offers a set of instructions that you can follow along to get a meanigful task done - like How to do canary deployments on Kubernetes with Argo Rollouts.

Whether you are a DevOps engineer or an aspiring DevOps engineer, cloudqubes tutorials can help you build skills to get the job done.

You cannot build skills by reading tutorials.😟

For the same reason you will not get fit by watching fitness videos.

You need to do the tutorial instead. Follow the instructions, do the actual thing, and get the task done. That’s how you build skills.

You can do most of the tutorial right on your laptop - whether it runs Linux, Mac, or Windows OS. The tutorials that use public cloud infrastructure like Getting started with Terraform are designed to be completed with less than a $2 cloud bill.

cloudqubes has tutorials on Linux, Kubernetes, CICD, and more. Linux is a fundamental skill for DevOps. Kubernetes and CICD are like bread and butter in DevOps.

If you are new to Kubernetes start with Kubernetes for absolute beginners.